Taking down statues is a slippery slope.

>just slave owners bro
>well we gotta take down all the confederates too
>well old white guys like washington were probably racist too
>jesus was racist, probably

Now they really fucked up. Good luck keeping the overwhelmingly catholic hispanics on your side, or pretty much anyone with morals

@cirno i'm fine with not having statues of slave owners. i don't think there's any slippery slope here. why are you arguing for their preservation?

fine with no statues of jesus while we're at it

@sneak So even our first president, the man who founded the country, shouldn't have any monuments?
@sneak And what of marx or other communist statues? They have skekletons in their closet too, and we're even close to being good people, especially given today's standards

@cirno washington was the largest landowner in the colonies, and also a slaver who wore dentures made out of teeth ripped out of his slaves.


let's burn 'em

@sneak Do you truly believe he was evil? Yes, there were some sadistic fucks who had a thing for whipping slaves, but for the most part the plantations bought slaves because their competitors did and it's a capitalist world.

Are you evil? You purchase and consume meat. Those animals are tortured, bred against their will, injected with hormones, and slaughtered to support your habit. In a 100 years when animals are liberated you and I will be seen as monsters too.

If nobody bought meat anymore, they wouldn't make it. If nobody bought slaves back then, they wouldn't have kept bringing ships of them over. To say washington was evil for doing something that was accepted back then, albeit morally wrong, is to admit that you're evil too.

@cirno animals are not humans and do not have human rights. slaves were. the fact that you would make this comparison suggests that you are insane.

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