This is a list of organizations that are actively trying to destroy free software with politics and popularity contests.

KDE is still based.

@r000t kicking out rms who is trash and a terrible leader, from a leadership position (which he is demonstrably terrible at) is in no way related to or congruent with the destruction of free software. in fact it is the opposite as his association with fsf is actively harming fsf right now which is why he had to resign in the first place.

@sneak @r000t

RMS' greatest value is in his complete, unshakable support for the Free Software concept. If cared to read his blog you'd find out that the fatso has more posts raving against nazis and drumpf supporters than promoting Free Software, and yet whenever the question of "should this bad person be allowed to use this Free Software" his answer is always "yes, the rules are clear".

Meanwhile all these faggots signing the letter against him are a bunch of retards that are more than eager to break the principles of Free Software and weaken the concept ever further just to stick a middle finger towards an autist that was literally the target of a journalistic hatchet job.

@sheetposter @r000t right now the kiwifarms instance is batting 100% at never producing anything of value. next time this happens i'm muting the instance instead of just the user.

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