Kinda considering ordering a Pinephone Pro. But not entirely sure. There's still some stuff on the regular Pinephone holding it back from being an optimal daily driver.
Most notably the lack of SIM toolkit. Which is required for 2FA during credit card payments in Norway.

Basically if my phone doesn't have SIM toolkit, I can't pay for anything online, (without carrying around a dedicated keypad for it) which is a pretty major bummer.

@quad just get a pixel and run graphene

@sneak I'm not a huge fan of modern Android though. I miss stuff like my Xperia Z2 which had a built-in way to mount sshfs as a folder on the phone.

Termux just isn't the same, and so many apps halfway break without google play services.

Currently I'm on an Xperia 10 II with SailfishOS that I carry alongside my Pinephone
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