There is only one view on Reddit. Just because you don't see the other side, doesn't mean they don't exist.
@djsumdog @sneak since when do hardcore antivaxxers deny not being vaccinated idgi
@piggo @sneak I'm not "an anti-vaxxer" and I've always been a massive privacy advocate. Don't start this with me again. I'm an seriously not in the mood.

@djsumdog vaccination status isn't "personal medical information". i didn't ask if you were only born with one testicle.

@sneak Are you on anti-depressants? Do you take any medication for heart conditions? Have you ever had Gonorrhea?

Are any of those questions appropriate? No. Not from a random person, and even limited with close friends and family.

Any drug you take is a personal medical decision between you and your doctor. Just because you slap the label “vaccine” on some new drug (a brand new drug that is literally unlike any other vaccine ever created since they were discovered 185 years ago by Jenner) , doesn’t give it magical powers to be special.

It’s still a preventative drug, just like any other drug in existence, except that this one is literally the least tested drug in the era of modern medical regulation.

@djsumdog lol you're wrong on several points here. i'm going to mute you now because i've not seen one thing you've had to say that is useful, here or on your website. best of luck.

@sneak Good luck to you. Hope you learn one day to think again. Maybe one day you'll apologize , but I doubt it. Have fun with your new religion.
@sneak @djsumdog Please list all medication you take and all surgies you've had. I'm not asking anything about how you were born, so it's not private medical information. 🙄
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