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@er1n that's the wrong lesson to take away from paypal fucking you.

"omg i am being so weird i'm not used to being around people i'm so awkward and inappropriate"

no, you sucked at humans before the pandemic too, you're actually totally on-par with how you've always been, chill out.

@cass depends on whether it's opt-in (by the reader) or not.

I'm sitting in the continental US. I just wrote an article to post on my website, hosted by a US company. I'm having second thoughts posting it because I'm afraid of US government retaliation for its contents.

sneak boosted

tldr; I am officially a pansexual polyamorous gay trans girl catkin, really and seriously, and would like that to be known and respected.

Anyone who doesn't appreciate this, well, you don't like the real me, and can gladly gtfo.

I need some support, and I'm a bit nervous about coming out like this, but I really thought it was about time I said it. <3

mental health negative, suicide ref, but i'm feeling okay right now 

the best part of the fediverse is the lack of censorship. the worst part of the fediverse is the lack of censorship.

worst part about being in my 30s? if i'm tired, other people can tell by looking at me. beauty rest is not optional. :( go to sleep to less annoyingly pass the time until i'm not-drunk.

on a brand new ipad pro, apple is now putting ads for apple arcade in the settings app.

the new m1 ipad pro, if in landscape mode when a firmware update starts (perhaps just because it detected the keyboard cover attached) does the firmware update progress bar and logo in landscape too

@otso swift is cool and these people seem to just be anti-swift on the basis of “fuck apple”. the site bores me

@myconidiosyncrasy this can be summarized by “harassing people is bad”

the cross-app tracking kerfuffle that ~0% of ios users opted in to after it became a configurable preference option seems like it was an apple fuck up in the first place: i bet users assumed that cross-company tracking between apps wasn’t supposed to be possible in the first place. it’s a sandbox violation, no?

the CFAA doesn't apply to pigs who steal PII maliciously, it only applies to individuals who download information to share with the media in the public interest.

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