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@MischievousTomato @mastodon just because you can relate in the thirst for power and control over hardware that doesn't belong to you doesn't mean that it should be permitted. i'd love to be a dictator of earth, but i will still complain about dictators.

@MischievousTomato @mastodon apple hardware is tied to use of apple software. apple software preferentially places apple services. thus, you cannot buy and use apple hardware without jumping through hoops to not become and apple services customer. they are leveraging their market performance in one market (hardware) to gain an edge in a different market (online services).

same reason people think amazon snooping on 3p sales data via FBA to find which products to clone should be illegal.

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An interesting form of the sharpshooter fallacy is what I like to call the "doomsayer fallacy". It works like this:

Thing happens. Doomsayer: "this means bad thing will happen!".

If bad thing happens, Doomsayer gets credibility for being right

If bad thing does not happen, Doomsayer gets credibility either by claiming "it almost happened but we were lucky", or through "listening to my warning about the bad thing meant that we were able to stop bad thing"

It's tricky partly because sometimes those claims are actually true, but more often it's a Doomsayer PR campaign

I have a mid-2019 8c INTEL i9, 64GB ram 4TB flash Retina MacBook Pro for sale. It's MacBookPro16,1, with the good keyboard back (not the shitty butterfly one). This is the last intel/touchbar MacBook Pro, and these specs are maxxed out.

It is in excellent condition (I have hardly used it, my laptops don't see much action in this almost-no-travel pandemic timeline) with one owner and it has cool stickers (which can be removed if you like). if you are interested, please.

spotify ios steals your clipboard on focus. can i have a "can read clipboard" permission?

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if you add a wifi network on your iphone, with a mandatory/ondemand vpn, it will automatically sync that wifi credential over to your paired apple watch, which will connect to that wifi (without vpn) and phone home to apple, leaking your local IP.

spotify's ios devs are fucking stupid. when you download hundreds of tracks, the "download complete" notification that pops in at the top of the screen *moves all of the touch targets down*, but only for the 300ms the notification flashes, then it moves them all back. hundreds and hundreds of times.

this is almost as dumb as the amazon one click modal when you change your payment card.

confirmed in ios 15: VPN set to ondemand (which autoconnects shortly after boot) leaks dozens of dns requests not-via-vpn on boot of iphone, divulging true client IP <-> VPN IP association to DNS server.

when you have an ondemand VPN configured on an ios device, your DNS requests will leak to your DNS server from your non-VPN'd ip.

i always assumed that ios VPNs were super leaky. i will bring receipts soon.

the bottom of my 13" xps is burning my legs under moderate load. :/ so my hardware is shitty because it's higher resolution than most other hardware? i'm confused

@cnx my smallest clients produce >10x that in revenue. i have several clients. these are work tools and in the grand scheme of things the fraction of gross revenues that they consume for top of the line gear is a very small percentage compared to other industries.

a $20k computer that lasts three years (<$600/mo) is actually super cheap if you can earn $20k+ per month using it. apple doesn't make much shitty hardware. the issue here though is not the apple hardware, the macs will all drive "pc monitors" just fine. the issue is that i don't know any pc monitors that have the same panel quality and ppi/dpi as the lg 5k ultrafine 27" ones. do you? i'll replace these with those and use them on a KVM with both pc and mac if you can link me.

@MischievousTomato i think the 3090 alone was close to three grand? i don't remember. it was at the last big cryptocurrency runup and they were going for 2x msrp. :/

it at least runs the vive pro 2 nicely at 90fps

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