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@arh NFTs are a brilliant solution to a common problem

@jk it's funny, every time i explain to people why NFTs exist their head explodes and they wonder why they didn't realize it sooner

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probably one of the main things that twitter users love is to complain about NFTs every single day for months and months, creating a large unintentional guerilla advertising campaign, drawing attention to and permanently cementing the idea of them into the culture of the internet as a compelling, relevant heel character, and ensuring their survival and widespread adoption

27 years of needing the v4 ip and neither ifconfig nor iproute2 can give a single command that will give it bare, still gotta force people to pipe to sed and awk and other bullshit (and of course iproute2 has to put /mask on the end so you need two awks).

aaron swartz remembrance day, sui ment., US justice system, pol, maia, boosts ok 

@jb55 you can use them from apps on phones, those computers that everyone uses primarily these days. it's pretty simple really

yaml contains such a tremendous number of footguns it isn't even funny

@staticvoidmaine trezor is a hardware device used for storing keys, not a wallet.

you can't get the ethereum signer or bitcoin signer "app" on to a ledger nano s without downloading it into the device first with ledger's spyware desktop app.

this thing is useless out of the box if you're unwilling to run spyware on your computer.

@surfingalot i only had to use a hacksaw on one part and only in a direction away from the motherboard and i put plastic over the board while i did it, the chance of that having been an issue is ~0

@mastodon plus, keyboards have to be low latency, so even if they are perfectly encrypted, they're still vulnerable to traffic analysis due to inter-key timings and english letter frequencies

mycrypto, jaxx, exodus - all of these phone home to the developers immediately on launch. why are there no privacy-focused ethereum wallets? i can't imagine typing a password into a device that is designed to transmit my password via radio waves in all directions

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One guess as to why the UX is worse on a console is because they're expecting a more sophisticated userbase than the more widespread userbase of websites and smartphones:

what are the best desktop ethereum wallets that don't phone-home? every one i've tried so far is some slickass electron bullshit that immediately connects to microsoft, the developers, etherscan, and a bunch of other bullshit.

@surfingalot some literal hacking (with a hacksaw) and now the 3090 is installed and the system's nvme has been zeroized and win10pro is now installing

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