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@yojimbo no nothing like that, i don't consent to it leaking information about my settings to others either. i'm just going to patch out the parts that delete anything ever from my device or prevent me from viewing messages i have already received. anything other is just my computer gaslighting me. remote users don't get to delete my files in my inbox.

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@Rasp what happened to the restaurant's prices and volume? profit margins on restaurants are pretty thin even outside of pandemic times

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signal is now doing single-view images (like snapchat) in addition to expiring messages, and letting remote users delete messages from my device. this is a form of DRM and now i have to maintain a patched signal client. sweet.

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sneak boosted there is a long tradition of using ./$PROGRAMNAME/ in shitty apps

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remember when computers were embedded machines and the interface latencies were below the boundaries of meaningful human perception?

remember how that all got fucked over the last few decades?

there are some (not all, but some) operations on the new rMBP that feel that electronic lightspeed instantaneous. i'm not sure if it's the 120hz display or the stupid fast cpu or specific macOS optimizations, but there is a man-machine tight feedback loop of the kind long gone. it's spooky.

@mastodon this hardware plus an OS that i can actually script and hack and control and edit would be god tier

@faoluin oh, my client didnt render the poll, i only saw the text part. sorry for an unasked-for opinion, the caption (minus the radio buttons) suggested otherwise. :)

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@xorman you get credit for paying attention though :)

@xorman i meant from a privacy standpoint. i'm still running macOS even though i have to jump through a ton of hoops to disable its incessant phone-home. having invested that time, most basic tasks are much faster and less of a hassle than on linux machines.

it's sort of at the point where i need/use both. linux when i'm doing low level engineering stuff (e.g. editing partition tables, advanced virtualization, et c) and macOS when i'm doing web/pdf/dev/ide/etc stuff.

They're not kidding. The battery life on the MacbookPro18,2 is astounding.

@mastodon i offer that this may be due to ignorance of how much it invades your privacy.

only like 4 years after the homepods could be a stereo pair and 3 years after itunes got the ability to stream to them as a stereo pair and iphones got the ability to stream to them as a stereo pair, the macOS finally gets the ability to use them as a stereo pair

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