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california dreamin' is a massively underrated tune the last time i tried those (admittedly many years ago) they were hot garbage so i should probably revisit. will look into trojita

few things make me more uncomfortable than people who cannot graciously accept gifts

fwiw the syncing of email "recents" (aka everyone you email, even via email services that aren't apple) to iCloud is disableable if you use a mobile provisioning profile to add the imap account. doing it via the GUI sends all your contacts to Apple (if you're using iCloud).

i wish there were two usb-c on the right side of the new macbook pro, the one gets used up by my yubikey 5c nano and then if i want to charge from the right the power cable has to be snaked around to the left ports.

@novichan it looks pretty good! i am so happy to see progress in this realm

defaults write MarkAsReadDelay 0

this means messages get instantly marked as read on open/click in is the only thing really keeping me on macOS. I won't use mutt and there are, to my knowledge, zero good (non-phone-home) good GUI mail clients for linux.

I'm happy to be corrected on this point, if you have knowledge.

on the upside, you can make a .mobileconfig that disables most of the apple cloud service shit for macOS, like music/icloud/appstore/etc. here's one:

you can't configure IMAP email on macOS mail any longer without it phoning home to apple when you do so. i haven't inspected the traffic or binaries that do so, but if you want to configure imap email manually (or import a profile that does so) while blocking all communication to apple/icloud servers, macOS won't work.

(edit: it works when installing via a profile, but only after some timeout/delay.)

don't trust projects that tout decentralization and then tell you to join their discord or telegram group.

sneak boosted there are no other alternatives

@yojimbo having an expectation of being able to delete files remotely from my device without my consent is not a reasonable expectation. i happily subvert that. my devices are not allowed to gaslight me.

@xorman yeah i only want to patch out a few things, the patch should remain applicable to several different versions as it moves

there are no good quick docs on how to build signal desktop on mac. this is disappointing

pip3 install --user yubikey-manager
ykman config mode FIDO+CCID

this will disable the proprietary yubico OTP strings forever

well we're officially at the point now where i am making a private fork of the signal desktop client. what the fuck

@parisc @Rasp everyone in the scene you describe opted in to being there

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