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stonks are up for us cyberpunks who have been here loving neon purple for decades, now that the cybertruck, that terrible movie, and that equally terrible video game have now propelled it back into fashion.

it's pretty amazing how much js has improved in the last 5-7 years

i wonder how fast disney would sue you if you founded 21st century pictures, inc

discord: gamers

youtube: content creators

twitter: politicos and technorati

fediverse: panhandling furries

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I'm not sure if google's self inflicted denial of service incidents count as dogfooding. For the full experience, the affected team should have to tweet "can somebody at google please fix this" and wait for another team to notice.

twitch is run by the same people who run datacenters for the CIA to store their drone and torture data.

if you have an account there, delete it. don't stream there, and don't view streams there.

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nintendo: "if we could legally prevent you from buying and selling our previous consoles and games we probably would. let alone emulating them."

sega: "hey kid. wanna buy some roms? we've got them for $0.99 on steam. you can just farm some trading cards and we'll give you a sonic the hedgehog. we'll give you an emulator, too, free of charge. "

i didn't know substack was a YC company. it always bums me out to see portfolio companies of investors i like or respect doing things that are... questionable.

it's hard to explain to people born after circuit-switching went away how unreliable all of this packet-switched bullshit is.

literally nothing any tech monopolist unlimited-money giant has ever built has been as remotely reliable as the US analog telephone network was in the 70s.

darktable is still garbage, ugh. nice to know they've made approximately zero progress in the ten years since i last checked in on the project.

the world is so stratified into mindless apple apologists and mindless apple bashers that if you say anything positive about apple you get lumped in to the first group and if you say anything negative you get lumped into the second, and if you do both then people send you confused messages asking "but I thought you were an $X guy?!!"

of course lightroom classic isn't being recompiled for ARM the way the cloud-based lightroom spyware is

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People are saying that youtube is down so I went to to check but forgot I have a redirect set up so it sent me to an invidious instance and that's up and youtube-dl is also working so what are you people talking about
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apparently i collect midcentury teapots now

quick poll: is it reasonable to text someone in the middle of the night slash is it reasonable to get annoyed with someone for waking you up with a text?

i'm of the belief that it's your job to set your phone to silent (or put it away) when you're sleeping. am i incorrect?

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Is it a coincidence that the two encrypted commo apps on my iPhone keep crashing upon launch?
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**FOR SALE** I've got 5 DVD rewinders left worth $40 I'm selling at $10 each it would be a great Christmas present inbox me for more details

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!