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why the fuck do presta valves exist

if you have a DNS control panel, you should have fields on each RR for tracking a) who added the record, b) when it was added, and c) notes/what it's for. administrators should be able to make the "notes/purpose" field mandatory.

SN9 test flight imminent, engines being chilled, launch in less than 30 mins:

You can't use HomePods (even to just play music via Wi-Fi) without an iCloud account. You can't use iCloud without an Apple ID, and an Apple ID requires a phone number to create.

This means that you can't use HomePods, a wireless microphone you install in your house, without providing Apple and their government partners a strongly identity-linked unique identifier (a phone number).

Cool, huh?

testing out brutaldon as well. i think i like pinafore better, might host my own copy

sneak boosted

When a Software Architect says "I do the architecture, and you do the easy part, just implement the functions!"....

those pc idiots who tell you the dell xps is just as good as a macbook air or pro are lying to themselves. the keyboard is crap and the palmrest (top of the bottom case) is plastic.

such a great read, posted by one of the new amazing users on my bbs which launched yesterday:

Extreme Privacy, 2nd edition:

I've started a BBS to serve as the comments section of my website/blog, but it's also open to anyone reading this via the fediverse:

Please come and claim your username. :)

been ignoring sony's silly warning "A corresponding environment is required for playback of movies recorded in XAVC HS 4:2:2 10bit.", but it turns out that the free version of resolve won't even recognize them as video files.

periodic reminder:

craig wright is a fraud, a liar, not satoshi, and a bully to boot:

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my main hobby is hoarding videogames i don't actually have the attention span to play and modding consoles to run games i don't actually have the attention span to play

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@tobi That works! I think they blocked specifically

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Whoa, Twitter doesn't let me tweet direct links to a Matrix chat room!

I tried 3 times on the phone and it failed silently, and the web client gave me this message at the bottom of the image.

Someone's campaining against FOSS social network alternatives.

nobody has the davinci resolve studio usb dongle in stock, required for editing 10bit h265 (the free version won't do it). ugh

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!