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is it just me or does the president of the european commission look like a supervillain?

if you're a brand and your videos on youtube are 1080 you're doing brand damage

i want to buy the iphone 8 plus in red new in box as a museum piece, because it's one of the most beautiful devices ever produced, but if apple ever stops activating them they're bricks

i can't get my slog grade (on a whole ass computer with internet) to look as good as my little embedded andycine 4k 6" monitor's built in slog-to-rec709 conversion which looks fucking fantastic

this is so frustrating

ios 14 turns automatic ios updates on, even if you had it off before in 13.x. it doesn't tell you it's doing this. apple has granted themselves RCE on your device.

how do i make matomo show me full referrer urls?

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would i wear a 64x128 oled screen connected to a 2.4 GHz spectrum analyser on my wrist instead of a watch? possibly

wanting your biometrics like pictures of your face, your fingerprints, et c to be secret is a code smell for someone who doesn't know how to threat model

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i am hiring for a few freelance gigs: web designer, html/css developer, golang backend dev, video production assistant (premiere/ae) - email me if you're interested or know someone who might be interested.

portable audio recorders are overpriced, the market is ripe for disruption by someone like anker.

the fucking zoom hX series are like $200-300 and use mini-usb (yes, mini, not micro, the one from 10 years ago you had on your RAZR) to charge.

even the tascam dr-100 is like $300.

there's no reason these things are >$100 other than tradition

lol the Casascius coins go for like $100k now! i bought a few dozen of them way back when (they were <$50) and gave them away to friends. afaik most peeled them and sold the bitcoin, back when it was like $700.

you aren't a real bitcoiner unless you call him salmon rushdie

what do you do when your friend's about to be homeless but you don't know them well enough for them to stay at your house in a pandemic

there are not one but two fedi anime-girl-with-cheeburg picture bot accounts

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what's the best type of projector for projecting moving horizontal and vertical white lines or other geometric shapes for producing interesting patterns in a room filled with glycol fog?

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