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sort of a bummer that you can't use a different account for youtube on an android device without adding the account systemwide, and you can't log out of one of the systemwide accounts in the youtube app and use it logged-out without deleting the systemwide app from the whole device.

it's almost like google wants to know exactly what you're up to at all times

interesting that on android when you have systemwide location disabled, apps can still prompt you for location permission for that one specific app. (i assume clicking it doesn't give them a location, as systemwide location is off?)

setting up an android phone for the first time in a long while.

all four of:

- mullvad
- signal
- standard notes
- protonmail

had easily locatable/downloadable APKs, to avoid having to use a google account at all.

pretty amazing!

be large and corporate, or google will warn your userbase that you're maybe a shady open source data-stealing, ski-mask wearing criminal.

If you put a Google Fi sim card in a freshly wiped android phone, it autocompletes the Google sign-in page. I am intensely curious if this is a sim card serial to PII disclosure bug like the one weev discovered all those years ago with ATT/iPad

iPadOS 14.3 claims that it now reports air quality via Maps and Siri for locations in "China mainland".

Part of Project Dragonfly, Google's CCP-compliant (censored) search product, they had to report air quality lies from government servers in Beijing.

Does anyone know if Apple is now doing this?

they told me that spending a lot of money on gear won't make me a better photographer, but this is a bathroom mirror selfie and i'm pretty sure they're all wrong

if you have advanced protection on, google will mangle all your emails, even via imap, to rewrite all URLs to the google redirector, breaking email signatures, breaking PGP crypto signatures, et c.

if you want to back up your mail in its original form, you have to do it via data takeout/export.

also google: if you want to export your email unmodified, it takes months(!) because you have advanced protection on.

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sometimes i think about the fact that people routinely browse the web without noscript, uBlock Origin, and Cookie Autodelete, and get the chills.

he's rolling back all of the previous administration's policies except the one where they stopped publishing how many civilians they kill with drones

not a single iota of the fact that america remains a dying empire is affected in any way whatsoever by the fact that the figurehead for the corporate ownership of the USA has changed, nor will the death throes of said empire in its twilight be any less destructive, violent, or severe.

afaict there are no good torrent clients for macos

i was going back through old photos, organizing my files (breaking out original photography vs saved internet memes, one of which needs to be categorized by month and year, and the other just by year) and it's startling how much better 2019 was than recent life memory

the population of catalina is 4096 people, according to wikipedia

how the hell is phil potter not in super mega ultra jail

watching the fediverse and the matrix idiots bash signal today because they got 40M new users in a week (while those services have never gotten 1M users ever) is sad and frustrating.

especially considering signal is a) free and open source, b) vehemently against data collection, and c) beating them badly

sometimes i just want internet people to stfu

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