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why i hate the macos ecosystem in one short example:

the utility for enabling TRIM support on external usb disks is third party paid software, with a demo.

this should be like 10 lines of c published in plain text somewhere

I wonder how many GMX staff members have tried to read the inbox/logs of I also wonder about nation-state intel agencies attempting same.

just signed a contract and almost dated it 2019

apple has some serious dark patterns around the options to downgrade your monthly payments for icloud storage amounts. shady as fuck, they are.

this whole "moxie doesn't let signal forks talk to signal servers" is nonsense. signal is GPL, you are allowed to fork it and you are allowed to distribute a fork that connects to if moxie has a problem with signal users talking to (using forked clients), that's a ToS issue, not anything to do with the GPL Signal application, which can have any URLs you want in it.

i think that if i never see another picture of antelope canyon ever i'm probably good

i suppose enough are vaccinated now (but not really) that it's uncouth to wish that everyone on a flight from denver to hawaii in the middle of a pandemic (that has killed millions of people and continues to kill thousands per day) had exploded and crashed on engine failure instead of landing safely


afaict not a single US bank supports u2f

since 2016 (thanks to obama) in the US you cannot enforce civil liability against your staff for divulging *any* secret information (related to foreign/interstate commerce, as it's a federal law) to the police, even if there is no law being broken or underlying criminal activity. police suspicion is sufficient to render your NDA pointless.

it's getting to the point where keeping private information private is harder and harder, and will soon be illegal.

sneak boosted

weak sapir-whorf hypothesis: language influences action
weak sapir-worf hypothesis: today may be a good day to die

i remember thinking $12 bitcoin was crazy high because it had been like a nickel not that long before. the runup to $200 freaked me out.

just as debian patches out spyware, they should be aggressively culling any package that isn't multithreaded. zipping a 5gb file should not peg one core of my 36 core machine and take 30x longer than it should. this is madness.

twitter's URL redirector now doesn't redirect without javascript.

super excited about go's new built-in file embedding in the stdlib.

"link me to your *public webpages* hosted on instagram/etc" is presently a crime in an interview in nevada:

(i think this is utter bullshit.)

for a long while until recently i assumed google had a private fork of go where goroutines spawned on different machines in a cluster and channels worked across the network

note to self: always check and make sure the lens you've just put on for video hasn't had the side switch toggled to manual focus by accident whilst in your bag

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