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wow: americans discard 80 pounds of clothing per person per year.

the thing that really freaks me out is not that daft punk broke up, or how long ago homework/discovery came out, but that random access memories, the new/lame/whatever album, is actually 8 years old

i know there won't be time travel within my lifetime because none of my friends who were actually in the tent at the time for daft punk at furthur '96 have told me that they saw old man me there

has daft punk done anything remotely as good as Da Funk at any time in this century?

this isn't about palestine, this is about religious fuckheads who want to control other people and stop them playing music and being joyful. they have them in every country and they are always doing fuckhead shit like this

why do people care if humanity goes extinct or not?

the fact that the US president orders assassinations of US citizens without trial or due process doesn't even pass for minor news/comment any longer:

americans and explosions: it is mandatory that the word "god" be involved. always, 100% of the time. it's right there in the national anthem: you must repeat OMG OMG OMG incessantly, even if it was science and not god that caused the explosion

amazon knows they collected my money for an order and they know that the order was never delivered, yet they make it a phone call (or app install) to get a refund. such utter dark pattern bullshit

i think someone should tell the coinbase ceo that cosplaying the stonks man isn't really acceptable behavior for a ceo of a publicly traded company

Why does Signal require a CLA? The code is already AGPL, why is a rights assignment needed? (The Linux kernel, for example, does not require a CLA.)

The libsignal-client-node js module that signal desktop uses includes a precompiled node binary in the repo for some reason...

not sketchy at all

the number of dependencies in the signal desktop app package.json is terrifying to me

sneak boosted
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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!