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there's MMA news on the front page of reddit.

the internet is full of normies and it's terrible now. they even ruined reddit. :(

sneak boosted

signal's attachment image size limit is now too small for the ~10mb png screenshots from an iphone 12 pro max. you can't take a screenshot and send it via signal: it gives an error.

it's rare to see natural selection documented so assiduously by the times.

you can't fix stupid.

ps: evangelicals are a death cult.

oh it does it's `postfix start-fg` specifically for containers oops

what the fuck is wrong with postfix why can't it just have a binary i can exec from runit/daemontools why does it have to have this stupid shellscript metacommand thing

prescreening resumes for a position that is heavily involved in compliance and security. insta-noped on one that misspelled HIPAA. hard to believe you were in charge of compliance with it if you can't spell it, lol.

closed my apple card account in preparation of deleting my apple id.

fuck the app store, and fuck the backdoored icloud.

sneak boosted


i remember a review for this movie complained “why does robot have tiddy” and its clear the sjw didn’t watch the film.

the first ten minutes

human brain it has a human brain cause there’s a human in there and they expect to have tiddies :blobcatfux:

@mewmew saw a blob cat in the wild last night and thought of you

you can't sell insulin without a license but anyone can open a chiropractic office

the true measure of a company is how they treat you when you're closing your account.

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sneak boosted

reminder that whether biden's "huge", "massive", whatever $1.2T program lives or dies - the US military will spend $3.7T (3x more) during the four years of his term in ways that benefit no normal americans whatsoever

reminder: Apple is censoring apps for the US government in the US app store, just as they do for the CCP in China:

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