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changing the mtu everywhere on a lan shouldn't be this hard

i feel like every "free palestine" needs to be suffixed with an implicit "; expel hamas"

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Apple's default icon for a Windows server has the BSOD on a CRT.

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while presently changing my interface mtus on all interfaces on my lan to 9000 due to my adoption of 10,000 megabit networking, i discovered that isc dhcpd supports a dhcp response option to specify an irc server to a client.

imagine a world where when you connect to a lan your irc client automatically connects to the local server specified in dhcp

a shortage of 10gbase-t ports in my lab meant i put a 2 port 10gbt card in one box and added both of the ports to a bridge in linux and daisy-chained my other box off of it.

moved both boxes upstairs this week. guess which box decided to die during the move? hint: it wasn't the leaf node.

i don't think that /etc/synthetic.conf works on catalina (and assumed not on big sur as a result) and i don't want an unencrypted volume on my machine. is it still possible to do the symlink thing for nix on macOS?

about to reformat/reinstall my catalina-running big mac and opt in to big surveillance. how do i install nix without the stupid fucking --darwin-use-unencrypted-nix-store-volume hack?

how do i get more air conditioning in one room of my house than the others? do i have to go around and close all the vents in the other rooms an equal amount? i moved my servers in from the garage so they don't have to endure another 4 months of 40C+ and now my office is sweaty

man, my instagram was fire. can someone please suggest a replacement?

nevermind that if you storm the apple donut they will call men with 🔫 (no, not squirt guns) to come over and remove you.

I took this photo in the main SF Apple Store. Don't let anyone with valuables try to convince you they are anti-gun. They're only anti-your-gun.

other instances of apple's excessive wokeness-signalling: they will render your UTF-8 gun emoji as a squirt gun (something entirely different than a gun), because under the newspeak rules if you can't say "gun" in emoji then the concept of gun will become unthinkable and nobody will get shot anymore

apple is so woke now that the primary demographic that attends their WWDC conference is not included at all in their WWDC conference promotional header.

to be clear, i'm a fan of affirmative action to reduce inequality of opportunity; the status quo is unacceptable. i also think that this sort of highly performative wokeness is mostly ineffective in changing that status quo and is more pretension and value-communication (and, thus, meaningless brand marketing/positioning).

ads are cancer.

i wish all my switches and linux boxes would let me just plug all their ethernet ports together and automatically detect loops and bond appropriately et c. i can set them all to trunks, and add them all to bridges on linux, but it won't bond them (afaik it will do STP and shut one side down to prevent a loop) automagically if two are plugged in to the same switch.

just bought a 6028U-TRTP+ to replace my failing 12-bay 2U supermicro

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if the new small imacs are any indication, the new large imacs are going to be fucking gorgeous.

putting this fxo/fxs pcie card in this box and moving the whole box upstairs made it super flaky. i wonder if it's the cheapo pbx card or if vacuuming the mobo hosed the ram or sth

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