The kraken speaks!

@rop_g: I found out what happened with all these QAnon nuts wanting to follow me all of a sudden. It's funny. It all started with an interview on Fox, where Lou Dobbs speaks to Sidney Powell, attorney for Michael Flynn and now also of Trump.…

@rop_g: In the interview, she claims to have lots of damaging information about Dominion, one of the major voting machine companies in the US. At the end of the interview, she claims they will "Release the kraken", and all will be good. (A common right-wing trope these days.)

@rop_g: Now to the QAnon people, nothing is just a figure of speech. Everything has hidden meaning, a message just to them. (Any psychiatrist will tell you this is a common delusional pattern.) So, what does a good QAnon-sufferer do? "Research"

@rop_g: Which is Q-speak for wildly Googling about with a manic desire to see obscure connections. And in their state of mind this is way, way too easy. So they Google "kraken" and "voting systems" or "kraken" and "hackers" or something.

@rop_g: And ... up pops my wikipedia page, which has me appearing (in 1985) in a Dutch book called "Kraken en Computers", (which means "Hacking and computers", computerkraker was a common word for hacker back in the day.)…

@rop_g: The same page also talks about my involvement in showing weaknesses in voting machines and has some Wikileaks and Julian Assange thrown in for good measure. This settles it. They decoded the secret message!1!! I am Kraken and about to come forward to save Trump. Sigh...

@rop_g: Now it is well possible that there are all sorts of interesting things to find out about Dominion and other voting machine manufacturers if one digs deep enough; this entire industry is plenty shady. Do I think there was major fraud or that any of this will save Trump? No.

@rop_g: But what it will do is set the stage for an elaborate long-term alternate reality in which their beloved dictator did win the election but an evil voting machine company swapped the votes. Which will have all sorts of interesting implications going forward.

@rop_g: More broadly: the power-hungry have discovered that inequality, pandemic, climate and general dystopia is driving enough people over the edge psychologically that they become a formidable political force. A few smart ones are seeing that they created a monster, but it's too late.

@rop_g: If you believe that elections should convince the losers they lost, then a mainstream thing going forward will be somehow negotiating assurances regarding election outcomes with obscenely large and well-networked crowds of psychotic people.


@tedu hahaha that is amazing.

i actually quit twitter because they started censoring search results for qanon-related shit. i was trying to keep an eye on the spread of those whackjobs their memes of the hour and twitter decided it was too dangerous to let me read.

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