
china cooked the books on their covid figures:

russia cooked the books on their numbers. japan cooked the books on their nuimbers. i have reports from people in healthcare IT that the published figures in the US are totally bullshit, too. you're simply not being told the truth about what's happening.

why is the default response of governments the world over to be untrustworthy and lie about the facts?

@sneak To hide the fact that they don't actually *have*the facts, but they think they're supposed to?
And because "the facts" that they do have always would make them look incompetent ... and they care about appearances more than actual operating ability ...

@sneak So that they can play with the numbers.

1) Keep the people in doubt, so that they will fall in line more easily. Uncertainty is in their favor.

2) To be able to increase the numbers at any time as a crowd control instrument.

3) Right before elections state the number were far higher than measured before and that the ruling parties successfully managed the pandemic.

4) To not be seen as a flawed government to citizens, foreigners and foreign governments.

There are so many reasons...

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