Listening to Flutter Podcast on my run this morning:

I rarely go for personal attacks (If you have nothing nice to say, etc.), but holy moly, Randal Schwartz sounds like a complete and utter obnoxious, up himself tool.

Towards the end of the episode, he described how someone had asked a question on one of the many things he responds to every day.

His response, slightly paraphrased "if you weren't doing it from 10 years old, you're never going to be good enough".

The person was asking for guidance, and he dumped his mightier than thou ego on them.

It's a disgusting attitude to take towards someone trying to better themselves.

Maybe they won't be the next best thing, but you don't know that until you've provided that person the opportunity.



@gray there's also the possibility he may be right.

@sneak Granted, there is truth in that the younger you start, the better your understanding. Be that technology, speaking multiple languages or another skill.

Unfortunately, I think his general attitude towards things and the "I did, I am" self trumpeting throughout got to me and by that point - well. My opinion had formed.

I should have stopped listening, but I didn't have another podcast lined up ready :).

@gray i meant more that computers have been around and common in the global west for so long now that if you didn't start compulsively when you were young like we did, then perhaps you'll always be a swimmer and never a fish, for lack of a better metaphor? it's not just a matter of "x years of experience". we were both kids when the internet existed and i spent my whole childhood on the internet. there's a difference between me and someone who didn't.

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