I cannot wait for the v4 prototypes and the lithium batteries to show

this || close to having a final setup
@sneak a mini keyboard that runs www.artsey.io as the layout

basically a full keyboard in only 8 keys thanks to using combos for a lot of the less common letters/symbols

combo layout actually

order isn't important and steno isn't required


@kemonine @sneak

And boom! Someone teaches me in a heartbeat one way to narrow down which response we’re referencing on the Fediverse. Thanks!


I understand “steno isn’t required” to mean no (always fallible) translation software is needed to interpret the keystrokes/words typed, what you type is what you get.

What I don’t know is what “order isn’t important” means, because steno keyboards don’t care which key goes down first, just which are pressed simultaneously.

brief description of what I use

I regularly use three different types of keyboards on my computer, one chorded. One, I could replace with the chorded but only with a slowdown in production. I also have a steno keyboard I bought long ago but never assembled and learned (made then by an inventor such as yourself).

digression (someone stop me)

My ‘standard’ keyboard is also chorded (as well as the one-hander) but that’s because it’s a gaming keyboard. I had plans to set something up so I could use half of it as a one-handed chorded keyboard but bought another one-hander instead, since it messes up regular typing if your hand is in position for a two-handed keyboard (once touch typing is learned, you don’t think of what letter you want to press, you just think in words or sentences and what you want to type comes out.)

possible suggestion

By the way, I went to your timeline and saw your carpal tunnel toot. That’s not at all why I use three but switching between would be a good way to avoid that, don’t you think? Get a little variety throughout the day.

@kemonine @sneak I also just learned that ### doesn't create a header on the Fediverse.

it depends on the client and if the client renders markdown...


'chording' tends to imply order is important in some contexts ; it's a clusterfuck for folks who go digging, especially if unprepared

re rsi/carpel tunnel : depends ; as long as its a comfortable board that doesn't cause hell for a persons tendons i don't think variety is a requirement ; at least not as a general rule of thumb



If it’s any help, I did see someone today on here remark that their chording keyboard caused them a problem because the keys were too close together. That might be something to think about after you’ve got everything worked out.

I have wanted a FrogPad for a long time because one video I saw showed someone typing 70 wpm on one. I think I could hit that with less spongy keys on my chording one-hander, but never tried different keys on it because too busy working, and now with lockdown too broke.

I mention that because if you go into production, and minimum-travel keys are not part of your design, you might want to consider offering different types of keys by peoples preference.

These suggestions are offered because you asked for suggestions once in your timeline. I’m full of them after spending years researching and using one-handed keyboards, all of which both solve and create different problems.

Keep up the valuable work. Perhaps you will create the improved successor to FrogPad.


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