why is the US media still talking about the previous president so much? i was hoping that after he was out of office he'd be out of most news cycles, but somehow these morons find an excuse to put his name and face in the headlines every week.

@sneak I'll be honest although, I never really hear anyone talk about trump anymore in normal day to day life, while in the past there was always this overhang of it. Overhearing comedy shows I definitely hear it a lot less too.


@surfingalot i wouldn't, except for the fact that the MSM keeps running headlines about utterly un-newsworthy shit related to him. it's beyond absurd the stretches they go to just to run a headline with his name in it every so often.

@sneak clickbait economics then. Trump probably made them more money than obama then and they're trying to milk that cow for all it's worth.

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