Personal feelings about #rms aside, I think this #fsf statement is about as good as any that could be expected in this situation:

Perhaps now the #foss community can start to put this episode behind it and continue the mission?


@unl0ckd no, they made the wrong decision and need to right it.

@sneak Right which part of it? rms? the board election process? the messaging/pr? their transparency? something else?

@unl0ckd I think "Yes" is the proper answer to those questions.

The FSF statement claims RMS acknowledges he made mistakes, but the linked statement from RMS reads like an excuse, or charitably "an explanation". I don't see a lot of regret being expressed. Maybe he regrets people not understanding his intentions. Who knows.

The messaging, pr, and transparency were abysmal for the entire process. Feelings about RMS aside, that's hard to not recognize.


@mike @sneak Right, the "feelings about RMS aside" is what I was getting at in my original toot.

The FSF acknowledges several times that there were mistakes made and show a willingness and desire to change so those mistakes aren't repeated. That's why I said that hopefully the foss - or at least the fsf - community can start to put this episode behind it.

This is about the best anyone can expect from an apology: a statement of wrongdoing, self-admonition, and a promise to improve.

@unl0ckd The problem comes in when you consider the optics of this whole scenario. RMS's "apology" isn't really an apology. The FSF's statement comes across as a "It's better to ask forgiveness than permission", and there are a lot of people that don't think RMS should be in that kind of a position based on his prior behavior. The fact that the FSF made all these "mistakes" while putting RMS in a position of authority could suggest to some that the FSF leadership shouldn't be leaders.


@mike @sneak To some, yes. To some, no.

I don't know RMS. I wasn't aware of this controversy until recently. To my mind it's possible he's being characterized appropriately. It's equally likely he's a victim if half of what's on is accurate.

In either case, I'm trying to suggest that the fsf's announcement today is a step in the right direction.

I'm overly optimistic when I say
the #foss community can perhaps start to put this episode behind it.

@unl0ckd Not to be the pessimist, but I doubt it. Whether you agree with them or not, a large percentage of the #FOSS community thinks that the FSF just installed someone who has no business being there, and all they've done is say, "Sorry, we shouldn't have done it that way. We're not changing our minds, but we REALLY promise not to do it again. Really."


@mike @sneak Then it seems the logical thing to do for those who disagree with the fsf's decision is to fork and start a new org.

Two foss-championing organizations might be what the movement needs to perpetuate!

@unl0ckd Or pull their support from the FSF and give it to another, pre-existing organization. That's what I've seen the majority of people who disagree with RMS's election do.


@mike @sneak What are the other pro-foss organizations? I genuinely thought it was just the fsf versus Open Source and proprietary interests...

@unl0ckd I don't have a list. Maybe I should make one, but being completely lazy I can point to the FSFE, FSFI, and FSFLA, which are all separate, unaffiliated organizations. The FSFE has come out condemning Stallman's election, and said they will not be involved with the FSF in any way. Other organizations donations could be directed towards are Creative Commons, Mozilla, the GNOME Foundation, the Open Source Collective, or the Document Foundation.


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