it does amuse me to see social lefties use the "language changes" meme when they want to, but if you mention a certain zoroastrian symbol returning to its original use (because 'language changes' right?) they're like noooo it only changes when *we* say it can

@icedquinn this is a disingenuous claim. language changes all the time, but perhaps not to your liking, or on the topics you want. most changes are short-lived and not very widespread, and die out. some are in/famous, and last a long time and have a lot of intertia. on earth in 2021 clockwise swastikas mean nazis almost without exception, and if that bothers or annoys you i sort of wonder why

@sneak @icedquinn huh, I did not know that the clockwise swastika was zoroastrian. While I do not believe that the language changed regarding its use, I do think that language has changed regarding the use of certain slurs, especially on online and gaming communities (fag, etc).
@MisakaMikoto yup. the third reich chose it *because* it was an ancient symbol of power. its the sun or milky way as understood some hundreds of years in the past.

this is basically banning the christian crucifix because the catholic church did crimes, or banning stars because the chinese flag has them and they commit human rights crimes happily.

most "nazi" symbols are stolen from ancient history. it's time we bury the regime.

@icedquinn @MisakaMikoto I’m still mad the fascists took a literal symbol of republicanism for their icon

@emilis @MisakaMikoto i dunno. hammers and sickles were used by a regime that had indiscriminate political slaughter (the purges) held the world at nuclear gunpoint (cold war) and basically ran the stasi and similar things, neither of those symbols are banned forever.

china has also presided over slaughters , organ harvesting and a certain ongoing muslim project that ranges from "genocide" to "it's just an extremism prison." the stars on their flag haven't been permanently banned.

catholic church had crusades, terrorized europe with its existence and milking taxes from the public and proxy control of governments, hiding pedos, cruficix not permanently banned.

@emilis @MisakaMikoto they did try to ban the gadsten snake flag in parts of the USA although that was eventually killed in court because its one of the original naval flags and the law doesn't allow you to ban official imagery or somesth
@icedquinn while I get what you mean I really do not think that you will have any luck with this. That symbol was unknown to most of the west until it started being used by the nazis and so it became mostly associated with them.
@MisakaMikoto i don't expect to get anywhere with it. just like they shouldn't expect to get anywhere with me with "master branches are racist."

they want to change language, i like sacred geometry.

the impasse *is* the point.
@MisakaMikoto organic language shifts do happen but we're kinda living in an age where the language changes are not the result of new generations of people organically forming their own slang to hide speech from adults. we have corposhits directly going at changing people's speech patterns over literal nonsense.
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