reading up on the dave chapelle drama. one thing that absolutely pisses me off is how journos write "his special has garnered outrage among the lgbtq community". they do not speak on my behalf and i personally find nothing wrong with his comedy routine. i love how, just by existing, i'm supposed to Be Mad like a spineless, sensitive coward. absolutely go fuck yourself

@nosleep the special is explicitly designed to troll. the things he said that are offensive ("i'm on team TERF") went unnoticed because they weren't jokes. the jokey shit he said was what got the media hype.

the worst part of the special was that he's mostly stopped being funny and has decided to try to be carlin.

@sneak @nosleep the jokes get media because theyre controversial: if you laughed at them youre on the wrong side. pick your side and take up your pichfork and torch

@why @nosleep it's sort of lame that he used the trump approach to free publicity though. and further lame that netflix's ceos were pressured into choosing a "side". the whole thing is just money hype.

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