"I'm Lena. I retired from modelling a long time ago. It's time I retire from tech too."


@meena the fact that naked bodies are taboo because of american workplace baggage makes me super sad.

@sneak okay, we'll use your naked body for the next fifty years as standard image. without your consent.

@meena the copyright owner of the work (the photographer) is the person who needs to consent, not the people depicted.

@meena this sort of whining is pretty dumb imo; they go on for a while about copyrights of images, then admit that NFTs have nothing to do with copyrights. who gives a shit if someone is buying or selling an nft with a string that matches your name on it, or a URL to an image of you? nobody is being harmed, it's just whiners looking for an excuse to whine. (for the record, i think NFTs are dumb.)

@sneak the things being harmed are the environment, and gullible people's finances. some poor country's epectric power infrastructure.

Also: If i don't agree with the above, but my picture is being sold to further the above causes, then my reputation is also harmed.

@meena if your argument is against the environmental impact of the energy use of cryptocurrencies, then just be against PoW cryptocurrencies *in general* and don't confuse the issue with "but my face is on the listing on OpenSea!"

@sneak @meena If you're a pacifist, complain about war in general, not that XYZ military just bombed your street.


@laurelin @meena i don't think any part of any practical/reasonable solution to anthropogenic climate change is "get humans to use less energy". i think that thinking that is folly, along the same lines of "if only all governments would stop using excel and switch to libreoffice!"

@sneak @meena I completely disagree on two points you're making here

- First, the problem of cryptocurrencies is not that they are merely wasteful. Most CC systems require the destruction of something (storage, energy, etc.) in order to "create" wealth. In a system that demands the growth of wealth, this means throwing away an ever increasing amount of resources, which is unsustainable regardless of whether or not what we do currently can be sustainable.

@sneak @meena Secondly, and this is the real point that I was making, is that you can have a very real issue with a wider topic, and at the same time have a particular issue with how it impacts you personally.

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