"I'm Lena. I retired from modelling a long time ago. It's time I retire from tech too."


@meena the fact that naked bodies are taboo because of american workplace baggage makes me super sad.

@sneak okay, we'll use your naked body for the next fifty years as standard image. without your consent.

@meena the copyright owner of the work (the photographer) is the person who needs to consent, not the people depicted.

@meena this sort of whining is pretty dumb imo; they go on for a while about copyrights of images, then admit that NFTs have nothing to do with copyrights. who gives a shit if someone is buying or selling an nft with a string that matches your name on it, or a URL to an image of you? nobody is being harmed, it's just whiners looking for an excuse to whine. (for the record, i think NFTs are dumb.)

@sneak the things being harmed are the environment, and gullible people's finances. some poor country's epectric power infrastructure.

Also: If i don't agree with the above, but my picture is being sold to further the above causes, then my reputation is also harmed.

@meena NFTs aren't "picture [is] being sold" so please don't with the red herring

@sneak most people don't know that difference, so i'm not sure it makes any sense to make a difference. Especially when it comes to selling someone my face.

now, to circle back to Lena: Aside from the fact that no one asked Lena if she wants to be the standard image on which to calibrate image processesing.
No one seems to have asked any women if she wants to be in a room full of men, when a picture of a naked woman comes up on the screen in a highly professional context, where all men start laughing like teenagers.
No one seems to have asked any black people if using the image of a naked white woman is the best idea for calibration of cameras.

similarly, no one profits from NFTs, except for a tiny minority that's already rich.
but a lot of people lose out.


@meena 100% of people understand that when they buy an NFT "with your face on it" that your face has not been sold and that you still have it.

you're also factually incorrect with your closing statement about NFTs, even though i agree with the general premise that NFTs are stupid; you should make sure you use accurate claims when you criticize something, otherwise your criticism is pointless.

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