what are some of the best places to buy used books that aren't amazon?

@sneak bol.com or fnac. not sure if they are in Germany, though. Both are European.


@berkes yeah my library is split half and half between CONUS and Berlin; at the moment I refer to US-based sellers (also for shipping cost)

@sneak Also, I prefer to buy directly from the publisher, if possible. E.g. O'reilly, pragprog, packt, Manning, apress, etc sell (or used to sell) books directly.

Sometimes writers sell direct too, e.g. via gumroad or on their own sites.

@berkes i specifically hate creating accounts and dealing with payments to multiple sites/databases, so this approach is a nonstarter. i want a single non-amazon vendor to deal with who has a huge selection so i can buy all my books there.

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