every time i'm reading some post on rms' website and i'm thinking to myself "hmm this is a reasonable position" i get to the part where he uses his own made-up gender neutral personal pronouns which nobody else anywhere has adopted and i recall that this seemingly reasonable article came out of the mind of a completely unreasonable person and i have to change the channel and go render something with nonfree javascript to get rid of the gross feeling


I'm curious. what's unreasonable about the proposal? what's reasonable about feeling so strongly about it?

@lxo the proposal is reasonable. the man who is writing it is not.

does reasonable position, reasonable proposal, therefore unreasonable person sound reasonable to you? does feeling so strongly against someone for their reasonable writings sound reasonable to you?
not that I'm saying he's reasonable, or that you aren't. being unreasonable is a compliment. all progress depends on people who won't conform to reasonableness standards
oh, the lovely smell of a stale ad hominem in the morning...

@lxo this is 100% ad hominem. that's what this thread is about: an unreasonable person who posts reasonable things.

that's why rms is so hard to cancel: he's right more than he is wrong. he's also a trash person, and a bad leader.

he should be ejected from FSF because FSF having bad leaders is bad for free software.

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