As of 2022-04-30, this webpage will likely contain a lie:

Published 2021-04-30:

"In addition, over the the next year we will introduce several changes to our security checks:

A new encrypted protocol for Developer ID certificate revocation checks"

It's 2022-02-11 and so far this encrypted OCSP promise has not been kept.

@sneak of course, every companie lies - they have to, to stay in the business...

@aaron apple goes to very significant lengths to not post factually untrue things on their website.

this is obviously one of their values that they take more seriously than most. "every company lies" is not a useful, informative, or actionable statement.

@sneak I agree that my statement was a bit overstated. I'm sorry about that.
But the point I want to make is that it is our society - the trade environment that pushes companies to lie. So even if it seems they care about their "users" they probably do not.
Here's a study about the violations of any privacy laws from both apple and google:
here's also an article from…

@aaron society pushes humans to lie, cheat, and steal. many companies do not lie, probably *most* companies. please take the blanket anti-company line elsewhere and criticize *these specific half-dozen* companies directly instead of criticizing the millions of companies in the world as one.

@sneak Yes, it is our trade-based society that pushes humans to lie, cheat and steal, so I do not want to blame any company or human - I put the blame on trade.
With my first statement (and yes I know that was a bit exaggerated) I just wanted to say that one should always be critical if any company claims anything, as they are forced to put profit first because of our trade-based society.
But there are many people out there who work on honest goods/services: and I want to appreciate the work of all volunteers out there. I'm using a linux operating system and I am amazed everyday by the work that millions of people put into that!

@aaron trade is a human desire and you can't blame "trade" for things humans decide to do. trade improves human lives vastly and it's not a bad thing and it doesn't push anyone to lie, cheat, or steal - this is a fallacy pushed by anticapitalists. you should be critical of any *human* claiming anything, because companies cannot speak or make claims - only human beings can.

@sneak I agree that trade was a necessary tool for human societies to develop and improve, however we should also take into account the negative aspects that came with it. The environment gets exploited, people's values are completely distorted (they are made to mindless consumers) and whoever controls the trade has a lot of power over others and can force them to be enslaved (kings and queens + merchants in the past - the super rich nowadays).
Plus, trade makes no sense anymore as it creates most problems we as a human species face and it is an obsolete tool to create the abundance that we have on this planet. It perpetuates this endless consumption so that we create mountains of waste.

Companies are a human invention and a company without humans doesn't exist. So of course if Facebook claims "the future is private" there are humans behind that lie.

@aaron trade doesn't make people consumers. consuming doesn't make people mindless. you've got your cause and effect all mixed up.

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