@pixelherodev @sneak Licenses are bloat, release in the Public Domain.
Public domain doesn't exist in many countries and thus your program is still proprietary in them.

Also copyright laws differ from country to country which makes it a legal mess, even if you don't sue anyone others would do it easily.

@colinsmatt11 @ben @pixelherodev@fosstodon.org those countries dont matter

So, just because those countries don't have a concept of public domain, their citizens don't deserve free software.

Alright, got it. :blobcatsmol:

@colinsmatt11 @ben @pixelherodev@fosstodon.org all software is free software

No. If it was the case, I won't be here talking about it.

@colinsmatt11 @ben @pixelherodev@fosstodon.org lol learn how to torrent and use ida

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