I only switched from #vim to #emacs about a year ago and I wish I'd explored it sooner.

I can't believe how customized and comfy it feels after this time, just barely scratching the surface with elisp and macros.

Understandably it's not for everyone, but if you're curious at all I'd encourage you to check it out.

A few people over the years tried to get me to explore it, but I was always just happy with vi/vim/gvim.

Wish I'd taken a look sooner.

@speskk rms' endorsement is sufficient for me to never want to download emacs


Fair enough. He wrote it as far as I know.

Controversial creator aside, I think the merits of it as a piece of technology far outweigh any legacy association to RMS.

@speskk @sneak IMO I think now with vscode(ium) and sublime text emacs isn't really worth it in comparison. All the keys and conventions are using 1970s PDP UI defaults, which is really jarring.

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