@sneak if I had what I needed then I’d be on the front directly repelling the Russian attack with my Ukrainian comrades.

But I don’t have what I need, all my projects are on hold, my entire life is collapsing in front of me, and frankly I don’t know what to do.

Something something it’s the fault of the system yada yada. I have a job, but I’m on the verge of losing it due to sickness and due to home (or lack thereof) issues. I’m receiving gov money, but that won’t help pay bills 1/

@sneak for much longer. I have a car and I can buy food and stuff from said government money, but the house I have listed as my home won’t necessarily be my home much longer. Most of my stuff will go to storage at my grandparents’ house if I’m lucky, but I can’t stay there.

I have friends around but none of them have space for me. My mental issues are also a major issue, not to mention the literal sickness I currently have is a massive pain and is preventing me from doing a lot 2/

@sneak of normal activities such as attempting to purchase sustenance. I really want to socialize but that’s also impeded by sickness, and work if not sick, and especially so because I work at insane hours that are completely fucking me up, but if I’m not working then nobody will take me in.

At this rate I’ll basically end up on the streets. And I don’t know what to do. Maybe I’ll befriend some local houseless people and become some kind of street vigilante that I’ve always 3/

@sneak been keeping on the backpedal in case my shit really starts falling apart. At this point in time I really do not know what to do. If I did, I wouldn’t be here.

I’d be in Ukraine.

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