I like the way *coughs* certain groups talk about overpopulation

It's not overpopulation, it's that our logistics networks fucking suck.

@izaya tbh every time i hear someone talking about overpopulation on earth i can't help but think it's just the same "white genocide" argument reskinned. earth has more than enough resources and food for the peak estimated population (2100-ish, 12B I think) based on the second order population growth delta.

@sneak with advances in technology I bet we could quite happily handle 10x that if we really wanted to. We already make enough food and other resources for everyone, it's just distributed extremely poorly.

As the developing world finishes its ... development, the population will plateau, also.

It's literally not a problem, we just need to better distribute what we already make.
@izaya @sneak but then how will businesses throw out 40% of all the food they receive? /s
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