i'm replacing my main powerhouse 128gb workstation (a 18core xeon 128gb/4tb imac pro) with a maxxed out 20c/128gb mac studio m1 ultra.

the imac pro is still worth $6-7k (i paid $14k for it). the new box is $8k.

the imac was the first computer i ever bought where i went to apple.com and smashed all the sliders to the far right and whacked the buy button. a dream for 20 years, realized.

i want to sell it while it still has value, but i also want to keep it forever for that reason. wat do?

@sneak would you replace the mac studio with a 40 core mac pro if they released it in 6 months.


@surfingalot no, i dont really like or need a mac pro, studio is already overkill. this will be the first time i bought a big computer, used it for five years, and bought another big computer with the same ram size though

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