Fren takes a booster shot against covid, six days later she has covid. I mean, what is even the point then? :akko_shrug:
@newt wouldn’t you get it even worse if you just got the vaccine :blobcatcomfysweat:
@karolat I dunno. There’s so many conflicting reports, I honestly consider it a meme at this point. At least injecting yourself with heroin guarantees predictable results, unlike this thing.
@karolat or maybe it is time to host another kung flu party, this time the thime will be "TEST YOUR VAXX".

And I even have a fren who can be the source!
@newt my invite for these always seems to get lost in the mail :blobcatcomftears:
@karolat do you really wanna be present at a party where someone tries to deliberately infect you with kung flu?

@newt I don’t get sick leave, so probably not now that I think of it
@karolat that's assuming you will even get sick. I've been to at least three covid parties and overall did hang out with people who turned out to have it just a day or two later. And I still haven't had any symptoms whatsoever :comfyderp:

@newt @karolat there is also the issue where some people, after the infection, have persistent neurological issues for months afterward.

you DO NOT want to get covid.

@sneak @karolat wasn't there an issue with clots and myocarditis after receiving a covid vaccine?
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