So far, I have to say, Mastodon is more interesting than Post. I'm curious if others who are on both agree or disagree. In y view, Post has some interesting features it is building and presentational elegance, but the content just isn't there, and it's still a lot of people just introducing themselves.

I also worry about the backing. Mark Andreesen (A16Z) is a huge red flag in my book, as he has gone so-in to the cryptocurrency crud, pioneering a gig economy of securities fraud.


@ncweaver @benjaminwittes you know he is the reason netscape and the web are a thing, right?


And since then, he's become one of the most toxic venture capitalists in Silicon Valley, with a business model that is literally "commit industrial scale securities fraud"

@ncweaver this is only if you consider digital currencies to always be securities, which is not even the stance of the USG


Everything issued by an A16Z funded company and dumped on retail is a walking, talking, singing violation of the Howey test. That the SEC only comes in after the scams implode doesn't mean they aren't scams.

@ncweaver is this just general anti-cryptocurrency halo bias? it's fine if it is but just identify it as such. "i hate pmarca because i hate crypto and he likes crypto" is a valid position and saves everyone time versus hiding behind smear words like fraud

@ncweaver @benjaminwittes @sneak No he isn't: he did most of the coding on the UNIX/Motif version of NCSA Mosaic and hacked the IMG tag into it, but then he went darkside. Not a patch on Tim Berners-Lee (invented HTML and HTTP, wrote the first web server and original web browser, formed the W3C) or even Jamie Zawinski (runs a night club in San Francisco and, oh, wrote a browser called "Netscape Navigator" back in the day—better known today via its descendant, Firefox).

@cstross @ncweaver @benjaminwittes uhh he literally cofounded Netscape, a company without the existence of which, firefox would not exist (and probably the dna lounge would be closed and turned into condos by now, jwz not having bought it on such a webless, AOL-keywords-only timeline).

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