doing AV tech in the Sheraton Hotel for a hematology conference today. I and had to wake up at 5:15 am, drive in 90% fog to a weird parking spot that all the parking meters have been stolen from, and then bike the final mile, get my photo taken by security and then given a pink wrist band to start an unknown job

was just charged 4.41$ for a cup of hotel coffee fml


@liaizon you. any price that is <=$9.99 should not be noticed or commented on or any time/energy wasted on. just fire and forget.

@sneak I live on very very little money. your advice here is completely nonsense for a large amount of people who are poor.

@liaizon my advice to people is always "don't be poor"

@liaizon being poor is highly correlated with bad outcomes for physical and mental health, and the same for one's children. if you have the option to not be poor, you should not be poor. being poor is bad for one. objectively, it is good advice.

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