@lumi@niu.moe @koyu@koyu.space @izalia it shouldn’t be respected because it is a belief in a nonsensical thing. it is not possible, computers or no computers, to publish something then prevent the people you explicitly sent something to from having and using that information. it simply does not work, and can not work. we don’t own information. secrets aren’t ours once we tell them.

@lumi@niu.moe @koyu@koyu.space @izalia i think that saying “well we should respect the original intent or we are mean/rude” is a subtle and disingenuous method of attempting to control others that has no basis in a system of reasoning. publishing is a powerful tool. when we use it, we use the full spectrum of it. when we put information into others’ heads or computers we are no longer in a position to dictate what they think or derive or ponder or calculate as a result on their own.

@sneak @lumi @koyu @izalia It's called having respect for your fellow human beings. It's *generally* considered necessary to follow some rules in society beyond just what is physically possible. Going by just "I'll do whatever I can and no one can stop me" is just might makes right.


@aidalgol @lumi@niu.moe @koyu@koyu.space @izalia respect flows both ways. if i have information that was provided voluntarily to me, people also have to respect my own freedom to think about or process that information in any way i see fit. we don’t own information.

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