"The problem is how much the far-left ideology of woke has infected our institutions, starting with education. That's where our children are being indoctrinated. But there is much more when they actively protect that power, such as universities won't hire someone based on their political leanings being to the right? That says it all and it's discrimination so illegal, or ought to be. The hypocrisy and especially unfair treatment under the law of anyone the woke say is to be protected at all costs (in practice at the expense of white British, especially men) is what people see though they may not be able to articulate it because the media is also woke so you only get context if you go looking for it elsewhere.

Immigration is a classic example of the unfairness of it all, where ordinary Brits became sick of it. Now the woke will say, "Look, we're right, everyone is racist! REEEEE!" but if you ask people then most will give examples of how immigrants are being treated better than Brits, by the mainstream media, by councils and the police and under the law itself which is not being applied fairly. Or in many cases is never seen to be applied fairly. In direct response, rather than address the issue at hand, all we get is more woke propaganda and told anyone who does not tow the woke line is not only a horrible person but deserving of being treated even worse because of that baseless view. They use various controls to achieve this, cancel culture being the most prevalent and damaging.

Woke is nothing short of a total erosion of values we hold dear, from tolerance to justice. The woke are the very least tolerant and just ideologues we've ever seen, masquerading as the most tolerant and just, on their word alone. That their actions prove the truth time and time again seems to be irrelevant with even the Tories swallowing their narrative to some degree. It beggars belief. On the one hand, the more power gained by the woke the more ordinary people pay attention but on the other, is it fast enough to curb them before they take over completely.

We desperately need a government who understand this and begin to redress the major imbalance, firstly by refusing to kowtow to being laughed at (read: scorned) for being "too unintelligent to see the Emperor is naked" and then by treating everyone equally under the law, despite what the puritan woke say because if we listen to them at all then we are headed to a very Orwellian place indeed. Get the woke out of our country, treat them as the ideology of hate and anarchy that they are. Small wonder they call everyone who disagrees with them a bigot, it's win-win for them when they not only unfairly slander, they unjustly demand the moral high ground and if things ever do turn against them and we all wake up to realise the woke are the real bigots, which they so clearly are, "wolf!" was cried so many times that the word lost meaning. Not that I think it's a deliberate tactic, it's simply how irrational people argue."

What do you think?

@sim @coldacid discrimination against choices people make is valid and not generally illegal. discrimination against inborn traits is a different thing entirely.

@sneak @coldacid Isn't there quite the blurry line when it comes to inborn traits and the choices or opinions people have?

After all, I do remember a case where a christian baker refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple in the US due to their religious beliefs or something along those lines. Being gay might be an inborn trait but it is a choice to have a wedding and ordering a wedding cake for it. How does discrimination work in that favour?
@sim @sneak @coldacid

Religion isn't an inborn trait yet religious discrimination is illegal.
@redneonglow @coldacid @sneak Don't they turn that into a race thing to consider it illegal?
@sim @coldacid @sneak

I don't think that was the intention. It was probably due to what Catholics were dealing with at the time.
@redneonglow @coldacid @sneak Oh... I was thinking more about recently. When I hear about that, it is usually made into a race thing. Less so for catholics though.

@redneonglow @coldacid @sim

yes, it seems quite inconsistent to me. many people seem to view their religion as inherent, when really it's a free choice like any other ritual or tradition.

@sneak @redneonglow @coldacid I suppose it seems as more because you tend to grow up with it. Doesn't help if it is enshrined in your culture... which is where the whole race side comes into it. Hard to grapple that it is a choice when you were taught it was the truth as a little child and your family identify with it. It almost took my own sanity before I could remove my identity from it.
@sneak @sim @coldacid

Discriminating taste; The truth is that there exists a freedom to associate or there does not. Once we're enforcing a list of criteria, it's just a legal game of getting on that list.
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