
ubuntu 20.04 focal lts is out today. the desktop version is still ugly as fuck, still gnome, still ships with the firefox spyware browser.

i take personal responsibility but i still hold ubuntu (and its use of gnome) as a major contributing factor to my being unaware for so long that there are actually non-turdlike free software DEs available now.

@sneak Apparently Gnome is important to RH because government and outsource sysadmins need a GUI. I don't know what Canonical's excuse is.

@sneak well, the aesthetics of Ubuntu and the turdness of Gnome are purely subjective, for instance I like Gnome very much. As for Firefox, I think it has become a default that almost nobody really thinks about.

@Domant3lis yes in the 90s in the united states west of the mississippi people liked to make their entire kitchens that same color of brown, and paid good money for people to install such, along with the carpets in their bathrooms. what you like is what you like, it's fine by me if you want to run a carpeted bathroom desktop environment

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