when people are speaking the name of a track, why do people say "trackname, artistname" whilst speaking when the standard accepted format is clearly "artistname - trackname" because otherwise the tracks from the same artist don't sort near each other

@sneak I think you're looking for "albumartist - trackname (artist)"

@proto sure but i think you need a tokenized conditional in there to omit the parens if albumartist == artist, et c

@sneak I mean if we're talking about reality here, my format string in fb2k is

%album artist%\'['$cut(%date%,4)']' %album%$if($and(%disc%,$not($strcmp(%disc%,1))),\Disc %disc%,)\%tracknumber% - %title%[ '['%track artist%']']

so I actually don't check whether or not album artist == artist...

@sneak I do understand the logic behind referring to a song as, like "Hotel California, by The Eagles"

but it's in the same mistake category as american-format dates


@proto american format dates are like so many things american: the combination of all of the worst possible decisions

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