Another wonky ass mastodon flow: Create a link to a toot of yours, and then open that link in another tab.

(ex: )

In a single thread view of a toot, for some reason your not logged in on that page, so any like action results in a popup showing up saying do you want to login to do that, and then proceeds to do that in the popup, even though your currently logged into that instance.

This shouldn't happen in an instance your logged into currently.

@surfingalot this might be a masto thing, mastodon is sort of the sendmail of activitypub. i'm probably going to switch to pleroma on my single-user instance, and set up a pleroma instance for friends on a cool domain as well


@surfingalot your options are a ruby app that sucks, or a decent app written in a weirdo language (pleroma is elixir).

go-fed might be viable soon, hopefully

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