I microblog here on activitypub. I macroblog on my website, using git+jekyll. I wish there were simple ways to midblog, a paragraph or two here or there.

@sneak like a federated, libre and opensource "medium"-like? 🤔

@timkrief no medium is for longform blogging. i'm talking about medium-*sized* content, like 2-4 paragraphs, what people use tweet threads for now.

there is still a need for longform federation, though. i used to work with Steem, which was reddit-on-a-blockchain, because of the need for censorship-resistant publishing.


@timkrief i like microblogging, and will continue to use it. i just don't like breaking single publications (in the 1-5 kilobyte range) into pieces to fit the microblogging format. also i would like them on my website automatically, without a website rebuild/republish.

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