the fact that win10 actually refuses to let you shut off the computer *right now* without installing the updates first is perhaps one of the most user-hostile and consent-violating things i've ever seen in software. instead i hard power off, potentially corrupting the filesystem. fuck yourself, microsoft, and i hope i never learn the names of the devs who implemented this malware.

@sneak I only use Windows as a glorified games console these days. I just reboot to play video games and reboot back into KDE Neon when I'm done.

@collappsar thanks for this information that is not useful to me at all


@collappsar before i mute you, could you please tell me how or why all of you smoothbrains on kiwifarms started replying to me out of nowhere? did i get linked somewhere or something?

@sneak It's just how the Fediverse works. It all links up.
@sneak @collappsar Goddamn you're actually retarded. That being said- I hope you learn the names of those devs and blitzkrieg their anuses after making them solve a captcha to buy a $1.99 codec.
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