
in the past, a witchhunt meant they burned the victim at the stake. now, a witchhunt means the victim will be relegated to shitposting PR disasters to their own website using only emacs, which is basically the same thing

@sneak Ask ProJared and Vic Micgnogna how their witchhunts went.
@sneak Or hell, Eich. Eich didn't even shitpost to raise the ire of getting fired for political reasons.
@sneak the bad part is the people who actually deserve more than zero punishment, but not quite a hanging. it was Frostpunk that taught me jails are actually there to protect the guilty from the mob. :blobcateyes:

@icedquinn eich voluntarily resigned because he recognized that he was no longer an effective leader of his organization (regardless of where the blame for that lies). whether or not someone else pointed that out to him is immaterial: he was at least smart enough to know that he was a bad leader and harming the organization.

@icedquinn nobody forced him to resign. he could have resigned voluntarily, or been fired. his *leaving* wasn't voluntary (because you need two parties to consent to have a job) - his resignation was.

@icedquinn neither of those seem like witchhunts, but credible accusations.

@sneak they weren't. jared was bandwagoned and "burned at the stake," lost everything, was later proven 100% innocent of all the supposed pedo shit and misandry. No reparations for him though.

Vics is still in appeals last I heard. Weird irregularities with the case; judge for some reason ran it as a bench trial and didn't understand how SLAPP statutes work. But they did do depositions (which i saw) and the stories don't make sense.

He supposedly molests her once in a hotel room but she leaves and then comes back later the same day to hang out with him again and then says nothing for ten years until he gets promoted over her and then all the sudden ten years ago something happened that literally nobody else has complained about since? Huh?

Vic even made many statements after the fact that he specifically *did not want* his fans to go out causing grief, trolling, and such.

let's just say convention centers have been slowly repealing his ban because they've seen how the court case went and the story is brittle to nonexistent.

these are just two of the ones who had the resources to muster a competent defense and were--basically--very innocent.

i would suspect the actual witches the church burned were innocent too. they used similar methods of determining guilt as "we decided you were, so why bother doing anything to check."
@sneak i'm sorry if court depositions and interviews with the people who ran the conventions isn't credible enough.

@icedquinn watch this exact seek position in the projared explanation video:

he resigned from his business association even after claiming to have done nothing wrong, to minimize the collateral damage to the org.

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