the complaints in the pro-rms camp have mostly been of the "but where does the SJWing stop? this will ruin us" variety, claiming that this is a political plot to undermine... something or other, after "cancelling" rms. i've yet to see any of those people refute the "rms is a yucky creep who isn't good at leadership" claim, which, in my view, is sufficient on its face to kick him out.

@sneak Being a "yucky creep" (or anything else other than committing serious crimes) shouldn't disqualify you from a job.

This is a left-wing political plot and I suspect an attempt by the ethical source movement to overthrow Freedom 0 in a GPLv4.

@redneonglow a job is an agreement between two parties to do x in return for y. either party can revoke consent at any time for any reason, that's how consent works. literally *anything* that the counterparty wants *should* disqualify you from having *that* job, as a job requires *mutual consent*.

there is zero evidence whatsoever to support the "left-wing political plot" theory. tbh you sound like the last US president when you make those claims.


@redneonglow example: calling your boss a fuckhead isn't a serious crime, it's even explicitly protected expression. you have the human right to call your boss a fuckhead. they have the right to revoke their consent to your continued employment.

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