the complaints in the pro-rms camp have mostly been of the "but where does the SJWing stop? this will ruin us" variety, claiming that this is a political plot to undermine... something or other, after "cancelling" rms. i've yet to see any of those people refute the "rms is a yucky creep who isn't good at leadership" claim, which, in my view, is sufficient on its face to kick him out.

@sneak Being a "yucky creep" (or anything else other than committing serious crimes) shouldn't disqualify you from a job.

This is a left-wing political plot and I suspect an attempt by the ethical source movement to overthrow Freedom 0 in a GPLv4.

@redneonglow a job is an agreement between two parties to do x in return for y. either party can revoke consent at any time for any reason, that's how consent works. literally *anything* that the counterparty wants *should* disqualify you from having *that* job, as a job requires *mutual consent*.

there is zero evidence whatsoever to support the "left-wing political plot" theory. tbh you sound like the last US president when you make those claims.

@sneak Most of the groups who signed the "open" letter are either left-wing, anti-Freedom-0, or pro-Code-of-Conduct. They would love to see Freedom 0 revoked. And if Freedom 0 is revoked in a GPLv4, it will be hell for businesses to comply with all the banned use cases.

@redneonglow correlation is not causation, and your second sentence is speculation, not fact.

@sneak @redneonglow as usaul anime avatar is correct and make sense and face dox is weird and posts insult like orange man bad...

@sneak I never said it was scientific fact that this is a plot to change the GPL and remove Freedom 0. I just said I was suspicious that it might be.

Recently on one of the No Agenda affiliated podcasts (forget which one) they went through one of the ethical source licenses and listed all the banned use cases. It was so extensive that the transportation industry could be banned from using ethical source software because it relies on fossil fuels.

@redneonglow so-called "ethical source licenses" are nonfree and the fsf recognizes this, even without stallman. i believe that this. i'm even more of an extremist on this topic and believe that the so-called "ASP loophole" isn't a loophole at all and is working as intended, and that the AGPL is similarly nonfree.

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