Very unpopular opinion: Blade Runner isn't that good of a movie.

It has the best worldbuilding of pretty much any sci-fi film I've seen, but you can't have just worldbuilding, you also need a good story and an actual reason to continue watching. Blade Runner is like The Silmarillion, you can have all the world you want but you have to give the audience a reason to experience it, and the story to Blade Runner is slow and a bit of a slog. Blade Runner 2049, by comparison, is equal to Blade Runner in technical aspects, slightly inferior in worldbuilding (but still good), but actually has a fully-fledged story that keeps me engaged with the film.


@nytpu blade runner is a movie about philosophy and its implications. blade runner 2049 is an action movie about ryan gosling's jackets and punching. please do not compare them.

@sneak @nytpu
Additionally, the audience expectations differ over the time and the generations.
Blade Runner was a pioneer back then.

@kunde_x @sneak For the record, I do believe that Blade Runner is a masterpiece compared to the “average movie” that one may see, but it's just less good than everyone says it is. And I also agree that it was a pioneer at the time, but we're living in the modern day so I don't feel badly judging a film by modern standards even if it wouldn't have been judged that way when it was released.

@nytpu @kunde_x tbh i don't care what anyone thinks about the original, just as long as we can all get together on the plain fact that 2049 sucks really, really bad.

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