After realising our old #PeerTube instance was not moderated and federated with all kinds of dodgy content, we started the move to kolektiva.media
Got our trailer over there now. Feels good to be on an anarchist instance thats in line with our values!

@radicalresilience by publishing onto an instance that won't federate with the whole fediverse, you opt in to censorship that limits the reach of your content.

@sneak Well it's still a better solution for us than potentially increasing the reach of content that is discriminatory, right wing, etc. With the old instance there were loads of right wing videos. So by hosting there we were basically propagating that content as well.
In fact I have the experience that on Kolektiva.media we have more chance of reaching our target audience anyway.


@radicalresilience you're wrong. censorship hurts everyone, even if it gives you warm fuzzies that your enemies are being censored. it also keeps you in the dark about how wide their reach is, what they're saying, or what they're planning. it's as foolish as sticking your head into the sand and pretending the world doesn't exist.

@sneak @radicalresilience

"censorship hurts everyone, even if it gives you warm fuzzies that your enemies are being censored. it also keeps you in the dark about how wide their reach is, what they're saying, or what they're planning."

dissident american voice:


@sneak Its nothing to do with censorship. And certainly not in this situation. So I'm not "wrong". We have a film that a lot of different people watch, mostly spread through other means than the video platform itself. And if we would remain on an instance that hosts or links to right wing propaganda and other such content, we are not only passing that on to our viewers but in my opinion also appearing to legitimize it.

I think you have misunderstood what censorship actually means. It certainly doesn't mean that I am obliged to provide a platform for hateful and discriminatory content. I'm not proposing to seek out that content and destroy it, but I don't have to actively propagate it myself. Or can you explain to me what exactly you understand under censorship?

There's also a time for "knowing your enemy", sure, keeping tabs on their plans and ideas, but I don't think that has anything to do with this situation.

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